SWVA Gas is now Blumont Energy

Do You Need Help Paying Your Heating Bills?

Published on: December 27, 2022

Learn How We Can Help You Make Your Heating Costs Manageable

help with bills virginia Fuel prices across the board are making heating costs challenging for many people. Fortunately, the winter has been mild thus far, but that doesn’t take the sting out of a bill that’s higher even when you aren’t using more propane than usual. We wish we had more control over the cost of propane. It’s important to remember that we don’t profit when prices are higher. In fact, it’s the opposite. Think about when food prices increase. It’s not the local grocery store profiting off those higher prices. If anyone’s profiting, it’s the big corporations and Wall Street investors.

Still, we know paying those bigger heating bills is a worry for many folks. That’s why we encourage everyone to sign up for our monthly budget plan. Even when fuel costs are low, it’s a popular option, because it keeps your bills level and manageable.

How Does a Budget Plan Work?

We use an average cost based on your past fuel usage to spread your costs evenly over 12 months, cutting winter bills nearly in half and making it easier for you to plan your expenses. As a result, our heating fuel payment plan is a smart way to manage winter propane costs and avoid unexpectedly high invoices, no matter how cold it gets or how much fuel you use.

Even if we have a particularly cold winter or prices continue to rise, we’ll help adjust your payments, so you don’t get hit with a large balance in the summer. Likewise, if it’s a mild winter, we can adjust and reduce your payments. The point is to help you save while avoiding big fluctuations!

More Help Is Available from the State of Virginia

If you are struggling with your propane bills, please let us know before you get too far behind: we will work with you to find a solution.

In addition, the Virginia Energy Assistance Program offers help to qualifying low-income households. They can aid with heating costs, as well as help with the cost of equipment repair or replacement. Crisis funding is available through March 15.

The Bottom Line—Talk to Us. We’ll Help However We Can!

Whether you sign up for the monthly budget plan or prefer to pay as you go, you’ll get all the value from being an Blumont Energy customer, like always-reliable propane deliveries, and neighborly customer service. No matter what happens with prices in the future, we will work with you to help you keep costs manageable.

Contact us today for more information about our budget plan and all the other ways we can serve you.