Make equal monthly payments with our budget plan. Click here to learn more.

Enrolling in Automatic Delivery & Budget Plan

Published on: May 16, 2022

SWVA Gas Service Customers Can Benefit from these User-Friendly Options

fuel delivery virginiaWhen it comes to service, we’re always looking for ways to make it easy for you. For a half-century, we’ve been serving communities in the New River Valley through good times and bad. We know how much the recent price spikes are hurting everyone—it hurts us too. But while we can’t control the supply chain or the geopolitics that are driving propane prices higher, we can offer our customers ways to take the sting out of propane prices—and make their day-to-day a little easier too.

Stop Those Big Winter Fuel Bills

Our Budget Plan is a smart way to manage propane costs and eliminate unexpected high invoices, no matter how cold it gets or how much fuel you use. Customers love this plan even when prices are low.

  • By using an average based on your past propane consumption, we spread your costs evenly over 12 months. The result? Winter bills that are nearly 50% lower. And because you are paying the same amount each month, it’s easier for you to budget your expenses.

The point is to keep your fuel costs level and manageable, so even if we have a particularly harsh winter or prices spike, you’ll avoid big fluctuations and surprise high bills.

Automatic Deliveries Help You Avoid Propane Runouts

We know you’re busy. Life is more hectic than ever. The last thing you need is an extra item on your to-do list. That’s where our convenient, free Automatic Delivery service can help.

It’s not hard to run down to run outside to check the gauge on your propane tank…but it’s an easy task to forget. The next thing you know, you’ve run out of fuel. Automatic deliveries mean you don’t have to remember to check your tank or schedule propane deliveries because we’ll do it for you. You don’t even need to be home on delivery day! You also eliminate the potential need—and cost—of a pressure test if your propane tank goes completely empty.

Like the way we calculate your Budget Plan, we use an algorithm based on your average usage patterns and the weather conditions to calculate when to schedule your deliveries to make sure you always have propane. Automatic Deliveries also means better service. When customers enroll in automatic delivery, it helps us schedule our fuel delivery routes efficiently so we can serve more of our customers on any given day. That also helps us keep costs down.

Ready to sign up for savings and convenience? Contact us today for more information.